Friday, August 20, 2010

Say No to TV!

It is amazing to me just how much of the American culture is influenced by the media, especially television. For most it is a way of life, it's what you do when you are at home. It has become a main conversation topic at dinner and amongst co-workers, it is how we relate to others.

When I was moving out on my own in May 2010, I did not personally own a TV, and I chose to keep it that way. I barely watched TV anymore, and I was finding much more interesting things to do other than staring at this glowing box in my living room for hours on end. I had become tired of the ridiculous drama of reality TV and bored with the predictable comedies. Plus, I was finding myself feeling completely irritated and guilty over the fact that my oldest daughter, Emma, would sit and watch TV all day. She would be absolutely devastated when I told her she had to turn it off or that she couldn't watch it for a while. I didn't want my daughter to be so influenced by the media. I wanted her to actually be a kid! You know run and play, go on adventures in the backyard, play dress up, ride a bike, draw, just be creative!

When others find out that I do not own a TV, their reactions make me laugh. It is usually a response of true concern. To them, I am obviously a struggling single mother that cannot afford a TV. There is generally a long pause followed by an offer of an extra they have somewhere. It's hilarious! It's only when they find out that it is by choice that they think I am insane. I always get asked what we do all day without it. My response is, "everything". We go for walks, bike rides, go to the park, read books, draw pictures, play dress up...we live. I refuse to go on the rest of my life simply coming home to watch other peoples lives; I choose to live my own. I choose to raise my children without the constant pressure of the media telling them that they are not good enough and that what we have is not good enough.

I can honestly say that I have felt a release of the pressures I felt before. I am no longer concerned about the latest styles and trends, or which celebrity is the hottest, or which is the trendy decorating style. Consequently, I have saved so much money without feeling that I need go get the latest, hottest things. It is a freedom of sorts. It allows me to simply be me. My girls are also calmer, more creative, and even more sociable.

Maybe it seems to be a bit much for you to throw out your TV; however, I do encourage you to try to live without it a little more. Find new hobbies. Get out and be active. I am sure you will find that you are better off living your life without it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you here. I finally got so fed up with our tv that I sent it to the dump, (there's a trailer at our dump where we can put the useable items for other people to take). Our life has been so peaceful since getting rid of it! We still have a mini DVD player, and I let the kids watch one DVD a week, and we get one too...on weekends. I'm amazed at how we fill our evenings now...I can't believe that we ever had time to sit and watch tv all night!
    xo maureen

    happy blogging!!
